They fought for their Motherland
Author: Dina Go The wave of hostility towards all that was Soviet and towards Russia…Далее
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Author: Dina Go The wave of hostility towards all that was Soviet and towards Russia…Далее
Author: Aleksandr Nekrich When talking about the Soviet Union during World War II, one has…Далее
Author: Yevgeniya Ruchimskaya There are fewer and fewer testimonies of World War II left. They…Далее
Аuthor: Mikhail Kildyashov For all their differences in mentality the Russians and Germans have a…Далее
Аuthor: Aleksei Rudevich There are many interesting aspects of the history of the organization and…Далее
Victor Loupan What does it mean – victory? First of all, it’s happiness! And in…Далее
Author: Arseny Zamostyanov If it is not something to take pride in, then what could…Далее
I believe that the organization of this contest at the 70th anniversary of Victory Day…Далее
Author: Olga Privalova Natalia Koneva, Marshal Konev’s daughter: «Victory Day has no threats if young…Далее
Not long ago, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed a not only strange but scandalous law, equalising the status of veterans…Далее