Coronavirus exposed tan

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What is expected during the summer? Will they allow us go to the sea? Will they allow us swim or have rest on the beach? Other people definitely will take the sun there too – they are the people whom we are carefully warned about, right?

While the summer season is drawing on rapidly, holidays and vacations turn into a key question, especially across tourist destinations, such as Greece, Italy, Spain, France. Italians have already declared that the country reopens for the tourists. But is it all true, if the Schengen area remains shut? It may open for Europeans only. Meanwhile! It is not necessarily right, that the Schengen area will remain shut constantly. Ambivalence demonstrated by the governments of the EU member states in May is so confusing, that we may expect any deviations. It is just one thing after another!

The French government also promises to remove a ban of hotels and restaurants “from July 2”. But travel professionals did not settle their nerves. They have already lost the summer season, at least its half. People are clueless too. Where is a proper place for rest? Rent prices for country houses skyrocketed for this summer. We expect the deficit of accommodations.

Do not guess. This is meaningless. It is clear enough that this summer will be weird. Whether rest may be paralysed? Whether we can relax with tension, have fun cautiously? That is why it is not clear whether people would travel to the south in their ordinary way. Because they will not avoid overcrowded areas. Must we wear a mask while sitting in a restaurant? Must we take the sun on the beach in a mask? Must we dance in a night club wearing a mask? How shall we pay attentions to a strange girl? Wearing a mask too?

There are a lot of questions. But there is only a single response: keep off fellow human beings! Well, so what about going to get a tan?

Victor Loupan

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