The capital of Russia is 875 years old! That said, it is actually older than that: after all, the year of 1147 marked only the first mention of Moscow in old chronicles, which means that the city had already existed. What we don’t know is for how long…
The fate of Moscow was not easy. More than once Moscow went through the greatest of trials: cruel wars, large-scale fires that turned the city into ashes, destructive revolutions, inhuman repressions, prolonged crises… But the heart of Russia continued to beat – Moscow revived over and over again and became even stronger.
The appearance of the capital city has changed throughout its history. Wooden Moscow is a thing of the past. Today it is a large, busting metropolis full of grandeur and life.
“I am a Muscovite! How happy is the one who can say this word out loud, putting all of himself into it… I am a Muscovite!” These words belong to Vladimir Gilyarovsky, the author of the famous book Moscow and Muscovites, which describes the life and customs of Moscow in the second half of the 19th century and the early 20th century.
Today, the capital of Russia continues to develop to becomes even more beautiful.