Pages of History

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This June marks the 210th anniversary of the invasion of Russia by The Great Army commanded by Napoleon Bonaparte. In addition to the French, troops from 16 other nations participated in the campaign, and the army itself was armed with thousands of guns and tested in battles almost throughout Europe, firmly believing in the military genius of its commander. This army reached Moscow, its headquarters was located in the Kremlin, and its generals raised the toast there to the final victory over Russia.

But as a result of the Patriotic War of 1812, The Great Army was defeated, its pitiful remnant miraculously left the Russian territory, and Paris was eventually surrendered to the Russian army and regiments of Russia’s allies.

That was far from being the first experience of armed struggle of the Russian people against foreign invaders. Under Ivan the Terrible, The Tatar Yoke was finally abolished; under Peter the Great, an end was put to the aggressive policy of Sweden and other Baltic states. Finally, in the most terrible war in the history of mankind, Russia defeated fascist Germany and its numerous satellites and one more time defended its right to life and freedom.

The Publishing House “Russian Mind” expresses gratitude to the Foundation for Supporting and Protecting the Rights of Compatriots Living Abroad for the support and financial aid provided to the “Russian Mind” magazine for the purpose of the Special Issue, to mark the 210th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812.

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